The most important aspect is to have a solid marketing strategy that will enable you to propel your companies to sell out to the public amidst other well established competitive company’s. Examples are close range marketing, undercover marketing, relationship marketing. Its main purpose is to identify and communicate the benefits of your business to the target market. It needs to be flexible so that the products and services are profitable to meet the customer needs both in short-term and long-term basis. In terms of its effectiveness one has to be on toes to maintain its success in customer satisfaction, and keep up with the often technological changes in the market. You have to know your Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and also the Threats. This enables the entrepreneurs understand constrains that they will encounter, the possible solutions, and the whole external environment i.e.: economic, political and legal. One can have a brilliant and working strategy but also the marketing skills have to be on point, especially where you are trying to convince both the literate and illiterate customers.
1.Use audience’s own language.
Speaking to them in their own language creates a unique trust and the audience are encouraged to buy into your product. You have to consider the audience expectations and how you will be able to meet the expectations. Avoid going into much details unless you are dealing in a well versed audience that need you to break down the metrics for them especially partnership investors. Technological wise find out which social media platform your customers mostly interact on, to enable you use those platforms to communicate about the select aspects of your product that they are mostly interested in.
2.Be simple.
You don’t need to be complex when putting out the marketing campaign, because not everyone is interested in what you did to bring out the product. Everyone is interested on how best the product or services serve them. Put out advertisements and forums that leaves out the flashy noise and lets the product speak for itself.
3.Focus on creating a brand.
When marketing some people only focus on selling out the product to the public domain to meet targets or just get profits. This should not be the case, the goal should be to create a memorable experience for the customer which will make have the urge to use the product. When this is in place, it propels the firm to even international platforms and creates a brand for itself.
4.Create a mystery on what you are doing.
According to Apple this is one of the best marketing strategies, you give bits information on your next product. This creates a positive type of anxiety to the customers about your product before the official launching. This only happens if you have firmly established a customer base and you are now at a point of maintaining it. At this point you of having fans to your brand who will stop at nothing to buy your products, even when they do not necessarily need them.
5.Be practical.
When you are out in the field engaging various audiences you should not just focus on the paper work and the verbal entities. Focus on the visuals especially videos which have bring a deeper emotional level to the customers. This will a long way in ensuring that all your products, new or existing have a greater impact on customer experience.
6.Be based on certain core values.
When customers see you product, they should not only view it as a product but also the core values that are attached to it. This is what should be majored on during the marketing organized forums and also on its packaging. Your customer base will be encouraged to use your product since they know it creates a positive social impact to the current and future generations.
7.Customer feedback.
Always consider the customer’s feedbacks and reviews. Set up online voting polls on social media platforms. This will enable you to first of all market the product and also get to know on how useful the product is, and what can be improved on the product or service to serve the consumers much better.
References: 1.
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